There is free transportation service you can use to travel between the Santa Teresa Campus and the Río Hondo Campus at the times listed below:

From Río Hondo From Santa Teresa
06:55 07:15
07:50 08:15
08:50 09:15
09:50 10:15
10:50 11:15
11:50 12:15
12:50 13:15
13:40 14:15
- -
16:00 16:15
17:00 17:15
18:00 18:15
18:45 19:05

We also have an hourly transportation service that goes from the Barranca del Muerto and Miguel Ángel de Quevedo Metro stations to ITAM (and vice versa).

The first bus from the ITAM Río Hondo Campus leaves at 06:20 and the last one leaves at 22:20. From either Metro station, the first bus leaves for ITAM at 06:40 and the last one, at 21:40.

From Río Hondo From the Metro Stations
06:20 06:40
07:20 07:40
08:20 08:40
09:20 09:40
10:20 10:40
11:30 11:40
12:20 12:40
13:20 13:40
14:30 14:40
15:20 15:40
16:20 16:40
17:20 17:40
18:20 18:40
19:20 19:40
20:30 20:40
21:20 21:40

* Only from Monday to Thursday and only to Miguel Angel de Quevedo Metro Station.